I have always found that the perfume reviews I've most enjoyed were more descriptive of a feeling, or the imagery that the fragrance inspires, as such, that is what I intend to do here.

I plan to review (in my own way) a different perfume as often as possible.
I celebrate a collection of over 100 different bottles and large decants. From high-end niche perfumes to celebrity and drug store designs.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Bois et Fruits - Serge Lutens

Sadly, I've missed posting the past two days. I'm not going to try to play catch up though, I'll just forage on as usual.

I can hardly believe that in November, we still have not gotten any major snow. It's warm enough today to go outside with just a heavy sweater, which is uncommon for this time of year.
Due to the unseasonably warm weather, I've decided to review a spring/summer evening fragrance.

Bois et fruits - Serge Lutens

First off, I am a huge fan of Serge Lutens. Specifically, I love his 'Bois' lines.
This one, I have just acquired recently.

This opens with a strong fruit note, literally like a blast of plum and peach. It brings up memories of walking through a orchard in the summer. You can smell the ripe fruit on the trees, and a glass of merlot in your hand.
It's a very dark fragrance for me, and definitely something I'd wear in the evening instead of the day.
The cedar in this really grounds the fragrance, and keeps it from becoming too sweet. You can smell the fig and all the luscious fruit, but the cedar keeps this from becoming a sweet fruity mess; However, I find that the mixture of the cedar and apricot can almost mesh into a cumin accord which you really need to be in the mood for.

Over all, this scent is fantastic, and smells heavenly. Its like a pitcher of sangria on a warm day.

The sillage is wonderful, and will last for hours and hours. Although I've mentioned it is more of a warm weather fragrance, I believe it would be beautiful on a cooler day as well.

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